Paul Overvoorde
BiologyOlin-Rice Science Center, Room 221 651-696-6100

Professor of Biology, Vice Provost
Plant physiology and molecular genetics
Weyerhaeuser Hall, 217
Professor Overvoorde contributes expertise in plant molecular biology and maintains teaching and research interests in cell and molecular biology, chemical biology, genetics, genome biology, and plant physiology. His research program focuses on elucidating how plant cells perceive and respond to the plant hormone auxin. Grants from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the University of Ghent (Belgium) and others have supported this work. He has served as the Acting Director of the Jan Serie Center for Scholarship and Teaching and as the Program Director for a science education award from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to Macalester.
BA: Calvin College, 1990
PhD: Washington State University, 1995
post-doc: University of California Berkeley, USDA Plant Gene Expression Center