About the Gender & Sexuality Commons
Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social JusticeKagin Commons, First Floor 651-696-6243

The Gender & Sexuality Commons is hosted by the Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice as part of our mission to integrate and affirm the peoples, discourses, thoughts, and experiences of marginalized people into the fabric of the Macalester community.
GSC Mission
The Gender & Sexuality Commons (GSC) is a student-powered, exploratory space initiated by student organizations and supported by the Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice.
In creating the GSC, we aim to create a stronger culture of resistance against all forms of oppression by making resources more accessible and by bringing people together through empowering, transformative, and revolutionary meetings, discussions, and events.
We want to pursue being inclusive while recognizing that for the space to feel safe and fulfill its purpose, the space cannot be open to everyone at all times.
We oppose all forms of oppression, domination, and exploitation, including sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism, ageism, and colonialism, among others.
We operate along the principle of “from each according to their passions and abilities, to each according to their needs and desires.”
Contact Information
Kagin Commons, Room 018 (lower level)