Group Visits
Interested in bringing a high school group to Macalester for a visit? Macalester Admissions welcomes groups of high school students currently in grades 11 and 12. A group visit is approximately 90 minutes and features tours led by Macalester students and an information session led by an Admissions staff member.
Email us with your group request.
Our team will reply within 48 hours.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What size of group may we bring? Group tours at Macalester College are considered groups of 10 or more students. To ensure the highest-quality visit possible, we are best able to accommodate groups of 40 students or fewer. If you have a group of more than 40, please consider splitting your group into two separate visits on different days.
What if our group is not yet in 10th grade? Although the Admissions Office is unable to accommodate younger visitors, the Opportunities Abound partnership offers a limited number of group visit opportunities for younger students in college access programs.
What days and times are available for group visits? Group visits to Macalester are available Mondays through Fridays during business hours (8:30 AM to 5:00 PM) from mid-June through mid-November. Requests at other times may be approved on a case-by-case basis.
What if I don’t see a day/time my group can attend? If you don’t see an option that works for your group, please email [email protected] and we will contact you to help with your request.
How far in advance do we need to schedule our visit? Please request your visit at least one month in advance. Requests sooner than this will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
How many chaperones do we need for our group? To keep tour groups of a manageable size, we request that you provide at least one adult chaperone for every 8-10 student visitors present.
How do we get to/around campus, and where should we park? Refer to the campus map and directions page for instructions on how to get to campus. When you arrive, meet us directly at the Admissions Office, 62 Macalester Street, for the visit (#31 on the campus map). Parking for cars, trucks, and smaller vans is available in the visitor parking lots behind 77 Mac (#32) or adjacent to the Studio Art building (#19). Otherwise, if you have a larger van or a bus, there is usually on-street parking available near the Admissions Office and on Macalester Drive.
Have other questions about group visits? Email [email protected].