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Class Schedules

Fall 2024 Spring 2025

Fall 2024

Visit the Registrar's Class Schedule for live registration information

Num. / Sec. / CRN Name Days Time Room Instructor
ART 130-01 10888 Drawing I Days: M W Time: 08:30 am-11:40 am Room: ART 302 Instructor: Nicole Simpkins

*Restricted to Art and Art History Majors and Minors only; will open to all students on 4/22 at 3:30pm if space remains available; first day attendance required*

ART 130-F1 10090 Drawing 1: Sketchbook Immersion Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-04:30 pm Room: ART 302 Instructor: Megan Vossler

*First-Year Course Only; first day attendance required*

ART 131-01 10091 Ceramics I Days: T R Time: 08:00 am-11:10 am Room: ART 113 Instructor: Erin Paradis

*First day attendance required*

ART 149-01 10092 Introduction to Visual Culture Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Kari Shepherdson-Scott

ART 149-F1 11009 Introduction to Visual Culture Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Kari Shepherdson-Scott

*First-Year Course only; first day attendance required*

ART 160-01 10093 Introduction to Art History I: From Prehistory to the Medieval Period Days: M W F Time: 12:00 pm-01:00 pm Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Jennifer Awes Freeman

*Cross-listed with CLAS 260-01 (10094)*

ART 210-01 10096 Globalization and Contemporary Art Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Christopher Tradowsky

*Cross-listed with INTL 210-01 (10097)*

ART 230-01 10098 Color Days: M W Time: 08:30 am-11:40 am Room: ART 308 Instructor: Chris Willcox

*First day attendance required*

ART 233-01 10099 Photography I Days: T R Time: 08:00 am-11:10 am Room: ART 301 Instructor: Mara Duvra

*First day attendance required*

ART 234-01 10100 Painting I Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-04:30 pm Room: ART 308 Instructor: Chris Willcox

*First day attendance required*

ART 235-01 10101 Sculpture I Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-11:40 am Room: ART 118 Instructor: Lela Pierce

*First day attendance required*

ART 236-01 10102 Printmaking I Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-04:30 pm Room: ART 214 Instructor: Ruthann Godollei

ART 237-01 10103 Foundations of Ceramic Art: The Domestic Object Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-04:30 pm Room: ART 113 Instructor: Erin Paradis

*First day attendance required*

ART 239-01 10104 2-D Design Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-04:30 pm Room: ART 301 Instructor: Mara Duvra

*First day attendance required*

ART 267-01 10105 3-D Design Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-03:10 pm Room: ART 118 Instructor: Meagan Daus

*First day attendance required*

ART 294-01 10857 Intersectional Medieval Art Days: M W F Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Jennifer Awes Freeman

ART 294-02 10905 The Arts of Empire: European Global Empires of the Early Modern World Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Jacob Eisensmith

ART 327-01 10110 Japanese Art and the (Inter)National Modern Days: M W F Time: 03:30 pm-04:30 pm Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Kari Shepherdson-Scott

*Cross-listed with ASIA 327-01 (10111)*

ART 332-01 10112 Traditional and Digital Illustration Days: M W Time: 01:10 pm-04:20 pm Room: ART 206 Instructor: Megan Vossler

*First day attendance required*

ART 371-01 10113 Painting II Days: T R Time: 08:00 am-11:10 am Room: ART 202 Instructor: Chris Willcox

ART 373-01 10114 Printmaking II Days: TBA Time: TBA Room: Instructor: Ruthann Godollei

Spring 2025

Visit the Registrar's Class Schedule for live registration information

Num. / Sec. / CRN Name Days Time Room Instructor
ART 130-01 30028 Drawing I Days: M W Time: 01:10 pm-04:20 pm Room: ART 302 Instructor: Nicole Simpkins

*First day attendance required*

ART 131-01 30029 Ceramics I Days: T R Time: 08:00 am-11:10 am Room: ART 113 Instructor: Erin Paradis

*First day attendance required*

ART 161-01 30030 Introduction to Art History II: From Renaissance to Modern Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Joanna Inglot

ART 233-01 30031 Photography I Days: M W Time: 08:30 am-11:40 am Room: ART 301 Instructor: Mara Duvra

*First day attendance required*

ART 234-01 30032 Painting I Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-04:30 pm Room: ART 308 Instructor: Chris Willcox

*First day attendance required*

ART 235-01 30033 Sculpture I Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-11:40 am Room: ART 118 Instructor: Lela Pierce

*First day attendance required*

ART 236-01 30034 Printmaking I Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-04:30 pm Room: ART 214 Instructor: Ruthann Godollei

*First day attendance required*

ART 238-01 30035 Unconventional Clay Days: M W Time: 01:10 pm-04:20 pm Room: ART 113 Instructor: Erin Paradis

*First day attendance required*

ART 239-01 30036 2-D Design Days: T R Time: 08:00 am-11:10 am Room: ART 301 Instructor: Mara Duvra

*First day attendance required*

ART 263-01 30037 Modern Art Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Joanna Inglot

ART 272-01 30755 Art of China Days: M W F Time: 03:30 pm-04:30 pm Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Kari Shepherdson-Scott

*Cross-listed with ASIA 272-01 (30756)*

ART 273-01 30038 Art of Japan Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Kari Shepherdson-Scott

*Cross-listed with ASIA 273-01 (30039)*

ART 294-01 30043 Art Activation Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: ART 118 Instructor: Lela Pierce

*First day attendance required*

ART 294-02 30044 The Graphic Novel Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: ARTCOM 202 Instructor: Burgess, Vossler

*First day attendance required; cross-listed with ENGL 294-07 (30045)*

ART 294-04 30761 Art and Archaeology of Ancient Iran Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Johnathan Hardy

*Cross-listed with CLAS 294-01 (30926)*

ART 294-05 30895 Southern Italian Art: Gothic to Global Days: M W F Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Jacob Eisensmith

ART 294-06 30896 Italian Renaissance Art Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Jacob Eisensmith

ART 294-07 30897 In Motion: African Americans in the United States Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: ART 301 Instructor: Walter Greason

*Cross-listed with HIST 219-01 (30338) and AMST 219-01 (30339)*

ART 371-01 30047 Painting II Days: T R Time: 08:00 am-11:10 am Room: ART 202 Instructor: Chris Willcox

ART 372-01 30048 Sculpture II Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-03:10 pm Room: ART 118 Instructor: Lela Pierce

*First day attendance required*

ART 373-01 30049 Printmaking II Days: TBA Time: TBA Room: Instructor: Ruthann Godollei

*First day attendance required*

ART 374-01 30050 Ceramic Art II Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-04:30 pm Room: ART 113 Instructor: Erin Paradis

*First day attendance required*

ART 394-01 30051 The Photo in Sequence: Photo Books, Zines, & More Days: M W Time: 01:10 pm-04:20 pm Room: ART 301 Instructor: Mara Duvra

*First day attendance required*

ART 487-01 30052 Art History Methodology Seminar Days: W Time: 05:00 pm-08:00 pm Room: Instructor: Joanna Inglot

ART 488-01 30053 Senior Studio Seminar Days: M W Time: 07:00 pm-09:00 pm Room: ART 105 Instructor: Ruthann Godollei

*First day attendance required*