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Robin Shields-Cutler

Associate Professor (On Sabbatical)
Microbiology, Biochemistry II, Genetics

Olin-Rice Science Center, 212


Robin is a microbiologist who is particularly interested in the biochemical interface between diverse bacteria and their hosts (humans, most often). To investigate this, his research uses techniques ranging from experimental microbiology and culture work, to biochemistry and mass spectrometry, to computational biology and data science. Current projects include gut microbiome studies in collaboration with the Como Zoo in St. Paul, the Mayo Clinic, and the University of Minnesota Masonic Cancer Center. His teaching includes upper-level courses in Microbiology and Biochemistry. Outside of academia, he likes to spend time outdoors with his family, and enjoys biking, climbing, fixing various machines, and getting very nerdy about coffee, baking, and music. His Erdös-Bacon number is 6.

BA: Grinnell College (Biological Chemistry)

PhD: Washington University in St. Louis (Molecular Microbiology & Microbial Pathogenesis)

Postdoc: University of Minnesota (BioTechnology Institute, College of Biological Sciences)