Macalester employees may receive financial assistance for courses, seminars, or workshops that relate directly to their jobs and that are not available within the college curriculum. A job-related learning activity is one in which the content would directly enhance the employee’s productivity and achievement in performing his or her normally assigned duties and responsibilities. Please see the Employee Handbook for the full policy.

  • Funding is available for one training opportunity per employee per fiscal year, up to $600. This is not a guaranteed benefit. If budget dollars are exhausted, the request will be denied.
  • Assistance is limited to the base tuition or registration fee. No other costs are eligible.

After the below e-form has been signed by your supervisor and Accounting (to confirm funds are available), you will receive a PDF of the completed form via e-mail. Please charge the training fee to your p-card and assign the FOAPAL indicated on the completed form.

FY 24-25 funding for Staff Training & Development Financial Assistance has been fully allocated. Applications are no longer being accepted.

Questions? Please contact Accounting (processing for Staff Training) .