Event Details
Philosophy Colloquium: Troy Jollimore, California State University, Chico
"Love and Belief"
"As proponents of so-called 'epistemic partiality' have claimed, we tend to see those we love more positively than we view those to whom we are indifferent. But what does 'seeing more positively' amount to? Currently dominant accounts of epistemic partiality tend to wrongly view the lover as naïve or epistemically irrational, or to be oversimplistic in their accounts of love's influences on epistemic practices and on resulting beliefs. In this talk (Dr. Jollimore will) discuss various forms of epistemic partiality, and push back against the common tendency to assume that objective epistemic standards must be in conflict with the practices and tendencies of a good friend or lover."
Please join the Philosophy department for this talk at 4:40 p.m. on Thursday, Mar. 23, in the Harmon Room of DeWitt Wallace Library. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served.
Contact: Department Coordinator, Sara Dion ([email protected])
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students
Sponsor: Philosophy
Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events