Event Details
Biology Senior Capstone Presentations: Round 2
The Biology Department invites you to attend the second round of senior capstone talks and posters featuring the following students:
Talks (OLRI 350):
11:45 am - Ceilidh Smith: “Tell Us How You Really Feel: Assessing the mPOWHER Training Program from the Perspectives of the Community Health Workers”
12:00 - Peter Aspholm: “Inferring Evolutionary Relationships of New Zealand Harvesters (Opilliones, Cyphophthalmi, Petallidae)”
12:15 - Zoe Lowe: “Little Arachnids, Big Impact: Opiliones in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago”
12:30 - Nicole Bednarik: “Keep an Eye on It: Salamander Eye Size and Investment Correlates with Ecology”
12:45 - Eliza King: “What’s on the Menu for Tsavo Lions? Implications of lion Diet on a Critically Endangered Antelope”
Posters (Smail Gallery):
Gloriah Omwanda: “The Quest to Relief and Comfort: What is the Role of Mast Cells in the Development and Maintenance of Vulvodynia?”
Katrina Schoen: “The Antimicrobial Properties of Indigenous Medicinal Plants”
Eleanor Michaud: “All Work and No Play? An Investigation of Animal Play Behavior”
Grace Turner: “The Present and Future of Treating Pancreatic Cancer with Immunotherapies”
Dalila Amaya: “Clinical Research at the Regions Hospital: Where Research Meets Practice”
Elise Gryler: “You are What You Eat: The Effects of Breastfeeding on the Infant Microbiome”
- Genevieve Anex: “Sleeping Cells? Investigating the Effects of a Novel Breast Cancer Therapeutic”
Find out more on the Bio Capstone Site Spring '23.
Thursday, April 13
11:45 am -1 p.m.
OLRI 350 and Smail Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students
Sponsor: Biology
Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events
Olin-Rice Science Center - 350 And Smail Gallery
166 Macalester St.