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Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 | 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Department of Physics & Astronomy Seminar: Setting Star Formation in Motion

Dr. Elena Sabbi, Deputy Head, Science Mission Office, Space Telescope Science Institute is presenting.

Star formation is a complex, multiscale process affected both by local and global factors. Modern models of molecular cloud collapse now incorporate variables such as stellar feedback, magnetic field, gas and dust temperature, galaxy sheer, galaxy mergers, etc., enabling the formation of loose associations and rich star clusters. However, the limited observational constraints hinder our ability to validate these models. I will discuss how characterizing the internal kinematics of young star clusters in the Local Group can provide insights into the assembly process of regions undergoing massive star formation. Additionally, I will demonstrate how multiwavelength studies of resolved stellar populations in galaxies in the local universe can reveal the dissolution dynamics of regions of recent star formation within the parent galaxy’s field, suggesting potential dissolution timescales.

Refreshments at 3 PM.

Contact: [email protected]

Sponsor: Physics & Astronomy

Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events


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