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Event Details

Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Keynote Speech: Dr. John Kim - Solidarity programs in the anthropocene

This talk will reflect on our work with the Mississippi River Open School for Kinship and Social Exchange, a collaborative project that spans the river’s headwaters to the Gulf. The Open School has engaged pressing issues at the intersections of race, environment, and extraction through education, cultural exchange, and action. A core aspect to this work has been partnerships with communities, many on the frontline of struggles against conditions associated with the Anthropocene, including resource extraction and climate-change related natural disasters. 

Biography: John Kim, associate professor, has taught at the University of San Francisco, Stanford University, and Williams College. A theorist and practitioner of new media, he has published widely, including a book (Rupture of the Virtual in 2016), journal articles, and other print publications. John has also exhibited interactive art, sculpture, video games, and software in galleries and festivals around the world, including MassMOCA, DiaCenter for the Arts, and Northern Spark. With his art design group, Futures North, John was recently commissioned to build a public art piece for a new baseball stadium in downtown St. Paul, MN. Before teaching, John worked as a programmer and designer at a handful of Internet startups. For information about his recent work:

Contact: [email protected]

Audience: Alumni, Faculty, Parents and Families, Public, Staff, Students

Sponsor: Kofi Annan Institute for Global Citizenship (IGC)

Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events


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