Event Details
Retirement Ceremony: Mickey Smith's Platform Vol. 1
Join us at 6 pm on Thursday, December 5, for Retirement Ceremony—a talk-through of Mickey Smith: Morphologies with Smith and exhibition curator Heather Everhart, with a performance by Waves. The band (Dameun Strange ['95] and Leyna Marika Papach) will premiere a new composition by Strange, written in response to Smith's Stack Vol. 1, also on view. Platform will start being disassembled by Smith, with books given to visitors in attendance. The exhibition—and the book giveaway— continues until 12/15.
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Alumni, Faculty
Sponsor: Institutional Equity
Listed under: Alumni Events, Art, Music, Theater, Campus Events, Front Page Events, Lectures and Speakers
Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center - Law Warschaw Gallery
130 Macalester St.