Event Details
First Year Panel on Thriving at Macalester/College: What are the liberal arts?
First years: You are welcome to this week’s presentation associated with INTD 111: Thriving at Macalester/College, when our guest speakers will be John Mountain (Career Exploration), Mary Montgomery (Interim Director of Health Professions Advising, Biology), Bethany Miller (Associate Provost and Chief Data Officer), and Cait Bergeon (alum and Faculty Engagement Associate). Together we’ll explore the following questions: What are the liberal arts and how do they prepare me for a full professional and personal life? What are employers looking for and how do I develop those skills and mindsets both through my courses and through other opportunities? What college experiences have been shown to have a high impact on student satisfaction and/or success? How should I be thinking about choosing courses and other opportunities to learn?
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Students
Sponsor: Classical Mediterranean and Middle East
Listed under: Front Page Events, Lectures and Speakers