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Event Details

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 | 4:45 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.

Reimagining "Women" in 1970's Japan - A lecture by James Welker of Kanagawa University

In the early 1970s, Japan saw the emergence of three dynamic and overlapping communities of women and adolescent girls who challenged Japanese gender and sexual norms: the women’s liberation (ūman ribu) movement, the lesbian community, and a sphere comprised of artists and fans of queer shōjo manga (girls’ comics), including the now globally popular boys love (BL) media genre. In this talk, James Welker examines these communities and their cultural import. He shows how, individually and collectively, they found the normative understanding of the category “women” untenable and worked to redefine and expand its meaning by transfiguring ideas, images, and practices selectively appropriated from the “West.”

Contact: [email protected]

Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Sponsor: Asian Languages and Cultures

Listed under: Art, Music, Theater, Campus Events, Front Page Events, Lectures and Speakers


Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center - Art Comm 102

130 Macalester St.

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