Event Details
First Year Panel on Thriving at Macalester/College: How do I take care of myself and others?
This week's guest speakers will be Ian Wanger '25 and Tiger Simpson, Director of Health Promotion and Sexual Respect at the Hamrie Center; we’ll start with a video greeting from Mads Clark from the Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice. Together we’ll be addressing questions such as: What are some key wellness strategies, including in regards to substances and harm mitigation? How can I persist in the face of social, psychological and/or academic struggles and barriers? What resources are available if I have an economic emergency or I’m hungry?
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Students
Sponsor: Classical Mediterranean and Middle East
Listed under: Front Page Events, Lectures and Speakers

Theater and Dance Building - 201
130 Macalester St.
1600 Grand Avenue
Macalester College