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Event Details

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | noon – 12:50 p.m.

WHAM Lunch and Learn: The Pursuit of Happiness: Creating a Sustainable Work-Life Balance

Join WHAM for our final Lunch and Learn of the semester.  We’ll gather virtually for a session that offers wisdom, insights and practical life skills for both personal growth and professional development. Topics to be discussed include: establishing healthy boundaries, achieving a work-life balance, and essential coping and relaxation skills to help create and maintain a sustainable work-life balance. Creating a happy life is very possible, but first we must lay a solid foundation incorporating healthy boundaries and positive coping skills. Included in this presentation are valuable positive psychology, take-home tools and skills for all participants, based on our speaker’s WELCOA book, The Road to Wellness. 

For more information on this topic and our presenter, visit our WHAM Lunch and Learn page. Register to join us on Zoom on Wednesday, March 26 from 12:00 to 12:50 pm.

Contact: [email protected]

Audience: Faculty, Staff

Sponsor: Wellness and Health at Macalester (WHAM)

Listed under: Front Page Events, Lectures and Speakers