Event Details
WHAM Lunch and Learn: The Pursuit of Happiness: Creating a Sustainable Work-Life Balance
Join WHAM for our final Lunch and Learn of the semester. We’ll gather virtually for a session that offers wisdom, insights and practical life skills for both personal growth and professional development. Topics to be discussed include: establishing healthy boundaries, achieving a work-life balance, and essential coping and relaxation skills to help create and maintain a sustainable work-life balance. Creating a happy life is very possible, but first we must lay a solid foundation incorporating healthy boundaries and positive coping skills. Included in this presentation are valuable positive psychology, take-home tools and skills for all participants, based on our speaker’s WELCOA book, The Road to Wellness.
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Faculty, Staff
Sponsor: Wellness and Health at Macalester (WHAM)
Listed under: Front Page Events, Lectures and Speakers