Event Details
Arnold H. Lowe Endowed Lecture: Amy Hagstrom Miller '89
Macalester graduate and Religious Studies and International studies major Amy Hagstrom Miller will share stories from the frontlines of providing abortion care in the South and the Midwest over the past 35 years and touch on how her foundational education at Macalester in human rights and justice formed a basis for the work she still does to this day. There are few topics that tap into more opinions, dogmas, and passions in our country than Abortion – often pitting people’s strong feelings and beliefs up against science and facts and triggering deep political and ethical debates. Amy will share stories from her clinics to the halls of legislature, and to courtrooms, all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States. Different from apolitical or advocacy focused conversation on abortion, this talk will center on her work as a service provider who has decades of experience listening to the hearts and minds of the women and pregnant people she’s served.
Reception in the Loch to follow.
Contact: Sara Dion ([email protected])
Audience: Alumni, Faculty, Parents and Families, Public, Staff, Students
Sponsor: Religious Studies
Free food: Available for students
Listed under: Alumni Events, Campus Events, Career Events, Front Page Events, Lectures and Speakers, Religions and Spirituality, Student Organization Events

Ruth Stricker Dayton Campus Center - John B. Davis Lecture Hall
1600 Grand Ave.