Event Details
Conversations About Our Scholarly Lives
Jehra Patrick, Curator and Gallery Director for Macalester’s Law Warschaw Gallery, will present “Curating Demystified." In an era of when “curating” can mean anything from making a playlist to organizing a wine menu, the labor of curatorial work, in relation to the arts, is often misunderstood. So, what does a curator do, exactly? In this fast-paced talk, Patrick will share a brief history of the curator and how this role has expanded, dispelling common myths while sharing her philosophy for producing exhibitions, working with artists and publics, and collecting artwork, on campus and beyond. All faculty are welcome. Lunch will be provided.
Contact: Theresa Klauer, 6881
Audience: Faculty
Sponsor: Jan Serie Center for Scholarship and Teaching (CST)
Listed under: Front Page Events, Lectures and Speakers