Event Details
FIA/STARSA Open House: The Hair Down There
Join Feminists in Action/Students Together Against Sexual Assault for an evening of empowerment through community! We’ll feature a writing workshop in which participants will have the option of composing poetry, monologues, short stories, or skits about their experiences with gender, sexuality, and their bodies. The night will then culminate in an open mic, where we will offer those who feel comfortable sharing their writing an opportunity to showcase their work. Preparing a piece ahead of time is welcomed but not mandatory. Performing writing that is not your own is also an option.
Come to write, perform, support your classmates, or just eat pizza and learn about FIA/STARSA’s mission!
If you already have a piece in mind that you are interested in performing, we’d love to have you fill out this form so that we can get an idea of how to schedule the open mic. https://goo.gl/forms/xfHwWw1pmX1PGYcg2
Sponsor: Feminists in Action (FIA)
Listed under: Front Page Events, Student Organization Events