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Event Details

Thursday, March 14, 2019 | noon – 1 p.m.

EnviroThursday - "Human Nature Shouldn't Damage"

Speakers:  Teacher Renee Swanson and Students from the High School for Recording Arts

The High School for Recording Arts (HSRA) is a project-based, public charter school in Saint Paul integrated with a professional recording studio. HSRA gives new opportunities to students who may have dropped out or been pushed out from traditional schools. Students complete a high school diploma while simultaneously exploring the music business and other creative endeavors.

For the last three years, students from Psychology of Sustainable Behavior have collaborated with students from HSRA on a variety of sustainability-focused projects. In 2018, students worked together to improve the recycling system at HSRA. The larger goal of this effort was to engage the entire HSRA student community with sustainability efforts and to give HSRA students a chance to express their environmental concerns. HSRA students wrote and recorded a song, "Human Nature Shouldn't Damage", which was played at student gatherings.

In this EnviroThursday, HSRA teacher Renee Swanson, along with students from HSRA, will talk about their experience of this project and their other environmental work. They will perform “Human Nature Shouldn’t Damage” and other songs they have written and recorded.

Refreshments provided.

Contact: Ann Esson, [email protected]

Audience: Faculty, Public, Staff, Students

Sponsor: Environmental Studies

Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events, Lectures and Speakers


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