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Thursday, March 28, 2019 | noon – 1 p.m.

Physics & Astronomy Seminar-Exploring the Coevolution of Magnetic Fields and Galaxies in Different Environments

Dr. Anna Williams, Visiting Assistant Professor, Macalester College, will present this seminar.

Galaxies are permeated with magnetic fields at all scale lengths--from protostellar disks to spiral arms.  But how galaxies first acquired magnetic fields, and, in turn grow and sustain large-scale magnetic structures is not well understood.  One way to unravel this problem is by observing magnetic fields in a variety of galaxy environments. Luckily, new and upgraded radio telescopes are providing a new window to the polarization universe, and greatly enhancing our ability to probe astrophysical magnetic fields. I will present the results of three observational studies focused on the coevolution of magnetic fields and galaxies in different environments: (1) a nearby spiral galaxy, NGC 6946, (2) a loose galaxy group, NGC 2563, and (3) distant disk-like galaxies at z~0.5.

Pizza provided.

Contact: [email protected]

Sponsor: Physics & Astronomy

Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events


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