Event Details
Geology Seminar: Public Service, Employment for ...ologists, and Wonders I’ve Enjoyed Along the Way
Daniel Hippe ‘81, Deputy Regional Director, United States Geological SurveyNortheast Region, will present.
Dan Hippe, a “farm boy” from Rochester, MN, completed geology degrees at Macalester College (BA 1981) and Colorado State University (MS 1986), and has worked for the U.S. Geological Survey since 1987. At USGS, Dan has worked in such diverse fields as karst hydrology, fate and transport of agricultural chemicals, urban hydrology, groundwater tracers and age-dating, hazards of stray and fugitive gases, and coastal storm and hurricane response and restoration. He has been an executive at USGS Headquarters for the last 10 years and currently oversees 11 centers and over 900 employees located across the Northeast US. His management portfolio includes coastal and marine geology, geologic mapping, paleoclimate research, minerals information and industrial ecology, fish and wildlife research, decision science, water resources, and ecosystem restoration of Chesapeake Bay and the Everglades. Dan will share information on public service, highlight some promising areas of study and employment for (bio-,geo-, hydro-)…logists and how to prepare for and discover jobs in the federal sector. He will use a backdrop of photos from some of the geologic wonders he’s enjoyed along the way.
All this and PIZZA too!
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Students
Sponsor: Geology
Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events