Event Details
Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement) Yizkor & Neilah Service
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is considered the holiest day of the Jewish year. Set aside for fasting, prayer, and reflection, it is a time for self-transformation in community. Songful, reflective, and sometimes even joyful Yom Kippur services will take place on campus at the beginning and end of the holiday, October 8 & 9, both at 6:00pm in the Weyerhaeuser Chapel, co-led by students and Rabbi Emma. Kol Nidrei services begin the holy day; Yizkor and Neilah see the day out and are followed by a break-fast in the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. The service is in English and Hebrew with transliteration provided; all are welcome for all or part of the services. Free of charge; no tickets.
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Alumni, Faculty, Parents and Families, Public, Staff, Students
Sponsor: Center for Religious and Spiritual Life
Listed under: Front Page Events, Religions and Spirituality