Event Details
How Do We Effectively Blend Active Learning with Teacher-Led Presentation of Material?
Active learning has been shown to increase student engagement and learning. In the flipped classroom model, all presentation of material to students occurs outside of class time, and class time is completely given over to students working on activities that they otherwise might do as homework. But what if you don't want to completely flip your classroom? How can you balance time spent presenting material to students, whether through lectures or demonstrations or other means, with time for students to engage with the material in an active learning mode. Susan Fox (Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science) will share her experiences, but would like this to be a jumping-off point for an open discussion of the challenges and rewards of blending active learning with other modes. Fox is the 2019 recipient of the Jack and Marty Rossmann Excellence in Teaching award.
Contact: Theresa Klauer, ext 6881
Audience: Faculty
Sponsor: Jan Serie Center for Scholarship and Teaching (CST)
Listed under: Front Page Events, Lectures and Speakers