Event Details
Physics & Astronomy Seminar: "Characterization of Glasses Made Using Aerolevitation"
Mario Affatigato, Professor & Chair, Physics Department, Coe College is presenting.
This presentation will cover the formation and characterization of glasses using aerolevitation . In this method, spherical beads are levitated and melted in a containerless process, avoiding many of the pitfalls of traditional (crucible based) glass making. Aerolevitation can attain high temperatures of up to 3000 degrees C, eliminate contamination, and inhibit heterogeneous crystallization . The talk covers the basic physics, nonequilibrium conditions, stress induced crystallization, and in situ characterization.
We will cover ways to make thermophysical measurements of density, viscosity, and surface tension at high temperatures, as well as some of the nuances of such experiments. Finally, we will discuss novel crystals that can be made thru the use of this technique.
Pizza lunch provided.
Contact: [email protected]
Sponsor: Physics & Astronomy
Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events