Event Details
Philosophy Capstone Presentations
Please join the Philosophy Department this Saturday in Campus Center 214/215 for a series of presentations by Senior Majors on the following topics:
Robert Angarone: "Populations, Powers and Premises: Understanding Appeals to Intuition"
Zachary Jordan: "The Morality of Institutions in a World Without Free Will"
Aeden Helweg: "Just Pretend This is a Witty Title: Skepticism and Make-Believe"
Kevin Shin: "How a Utilitarian Should Think About Factory Farming"
Ignaci Dorca: "Luck Egalitarianism: A Post-Mortem"
Ian Champion: "How Should We Assess the Artistic Values of Political Music?"
Alexander Johnson: "Contradictions: The Potential of Art and Theory Within Late Capitalism"
Dalir Kellett: "Occasionally an Occasionalist? What?!"
Holly Hagstrom: "On the Permissibility of Genetically Modifying Future Children"
Katharine Chen: "Fictional Loves: Is It Possible to Love a Fictional Character?"
Shiyue Zhong: "Access to Health Care: An Objection to the Normal Function Model"
Sadie Nederveld: "Prioritizing Sweatshop Regulations"
Salamong Xiong: "On the Philosophical Implications of Dark Matter"
Michael Lockhart: "A Theory of Sportsmanship to Support the Existence of Gamesmanship in Sports"
Camilla Bendetti: "Three Rules for the Permissibility of Predictive Policing"
Nathan Gorjance: "Moral Beliefs and a Worrying Tension for Superintelligent AI"
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Alumni, Faculty, Parents and Families, Public, Staff, Students
Sponsor: Philosophy
Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events