Event Details
Ramadan at Macalester
The holy month of Ramadan commemorates the first revelation of the Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad and is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting. From dawn to sunset, Muslims refrain from eating and drinking. Cycling on the lunar calendar, Ramadan moves back in the solar calendar ten days every year, this year beginning on April 24 (sundown April 23) and ending on May 24. The month of Ramadan is a time of spiritual renewal during which Muslims spend more time in worship, give more charity, reflect on their lives, and intentionally seek to improve themselves and to do good in the world. We invite all members of the Macalester community to take a moment to consider how your programming that runs parallel to Ramadan can be more inclusive.
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Alumni, Faculty, Parents and Families, Public, Staff, Students
Sponsor: Center for Religious and Spiritual Life
Listed under: Front Page Events, Religions and Spirituality