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Event Details

Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020 | 4:45 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Welcome Back Spanish and Portuguese Majors/Minors

Join the Department of Spanish and Portuguese via Zoom for their first event of the year for Majors and Minors!

Our zoom gathering this fall has a game component to it!

How well can you guess your Faculty and Staff baby/toddler/child pictures? Would some key clues help? Come see what your professors/staff looked like... You do not want to miss our cute pictures…

The three first students who correctly identify people from their baby/toddler/child pictures will win a meal at Shish…Other times, other means but still the same result…This is going to be fun…:)

Come to play and chat with our your professors and stay as long as you wish...:)

Contact: [email protected]

Audience: Faculty, Students

Sponsors: Division of Student Affairs, Spanish & Portuguese

Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events