Event Details
Growing Together
As we re-enter our places of work and learning, growth is ahead of us. So, let’s grow together! This co-op style gathering centers the truth that we have exactly what we need when we come together. So bring your unused plant pots, plants that can be split, leaf cuttings (you get the idea). We’ll give and receive what we can. There is ample room for stories and connection as we gather over this lunchtime hour every Wednesday in August. BYOL (bring-your-own-lunch). Wednesday, 12-1pm, garden level of the Chapel.
Contact: Kelly Stone
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students
Admission: free
Sponsor: Center for Religious and Spiritual Life
Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events, Religions and Spirituality
Weyerhaeuser Memorial Chapel - Lower Level - Garden Level
1604 Grand Ave.