Event Details
German Netfllix Party
Join online for a German Netflix party featuring the first episode of the Netflix's new spinoff Queer Eye Deutschland.
The show keeps to the franchise's formula of finding worthy individuals
who are in serious need of a confidence boost and introduces a new Fab
Five. Feel-good TV travels well, no matter what language it is in!
To join the Zoom meeting, please follow this link:https://macalester.zoom.us/j/95033951301?pwd=V0Ira2JmdkFNWW1GQW9TcXlyOWdxdz09
In order to access the Netflix party, you do
need a Netflix account. You will also need to install
the Netflix party extension for Chrome (currently
the Netflix party extension only works with the desktop/laptop version
of Chrome). To download, follow https://www.teleparty.com/.
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students
Sponsor: German Studies
Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events