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Event Details

Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022 | 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Meditation @ Mac

To live life fully with joy, clarity and purpose is what we all desire. As simple as that wish is, it can seem elusive. The key to living that way authentically is found in learning to navigate the richness and complexity of human awareness. Through meditation practices we can learn to live more fully in our bodies, go through the day with more ease and mental clarity and begin to open our hearts to the beauty and connectedness that constantly supports us.  Chaplain Marc Anderson hosts three meditation sessions every week in the Weyerhaeuser Chapel. The sessions are; drop in, open to everyone and free. Sessions will include guided meditations in body, mind and heart awareness, silent meditations, discussions and warm, good hearted community connection. If you can’t make it for the entire session no problem coming in late or having to leave early – showing up is the most important part.


Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students

Sponsor: Center for Religious and Spiritual Life

Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events, Religions and Spirituality


Weyerhaeuser Memorial Chapel

1604 Grand Ave.

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