Event Details
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022
| noon – 12:50 p.m.
Lunch and Learn: WHAM 101
Well-being emerged as one of the central themes of Macalester's strategic plan. Whether you’re new to Macalester, wanting to prioritize your well-being, or you're a leader looking for ways to create a resilient and thriving team, WHAM strives to create opportunities for staff and faculty to care for their physical and mental well-being, all while building meaningful connections and creating a sense of belonging. To learn more, visit our Lunch & Learn page and register to join us on Wednesday, September 21 from noon to 12:50 on Zoom.
Contact: [email protected]
Audience: Faculty, Staff
Sponsor: Wellness and Health at Macalester (WHAM)
Listed under: Campus Events, Front Page Events