Policies and Procedures
The college events calendar includes events from departments, offices, and groups that are of interest to the Macalester community and the public. It is recommended that event sponsors post their event to the calendar as soon as date, time, and location are established.
How do I submit an event?
Fill out the event submission form.
What events can be posted?
Events that are open to the Macalester community, parts of the community, or open to the public can be posted on the calendar:
- the group should confirm a location for the proposed date and time
- all contracts for the vendor or speaker must be signed
- permission for public showings of copyrighted movies must be obtained
Events must be sponsored by a Macalester department, office, or group. Outside companies or organizations do not qualify. Event date, time and space should be confirmed before posting the event on the calendar to ensure that events don’t compete with one another.
Notice regarding public showing of movies: The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17 of the U.S. Code) governs how copyrighted movies may be used. Permission for public showings of copyrighted movies must be obtained and in many cases must be purchased. Most movies may not be used outside of the classroom without permission. Movies shown by an instructor in the course of face-to-face teaching activities in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction are permitted. Such showings must be for instructional purposes (not for recreation, entertainment, or general cultural value). It is important for event organizers to comply with U.S. Copyright Law when using movies publicly. Read the Library’s FAQ item about Copyright/Public Performance Rights and contact [email protected] to learn more
When will events be posted to the calendar?
The calendar editors review submitted events daily. If there are questions about your event, you will receive an e-mail.
How do I change event information on the Macalester events calendar?
E-mail the calendar editor at [email protected] with your changes. Events can only be removed by the calendar editor; to have your event removed from the system, please email [email protected].
How do I submit a photo?
Attach your photo using the online submission form. The form will automatically scale your photo to a standard size.