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General Chemistry RISE Workshops


Are you considering taking General Chemistry this fall? Then consider enrolling in the free, virtual, two-week-long Chemistry RISE (Refresher in STEM Education) summer workshop open to all students considering taking General Chemistry I (Chem 111) in the Fall. The workshop is ideal for students who would like a refresher on the math that will be relevant to Chem 111/112.  This workshop will not introduce new chemical content but instead will focus on the algebraic skills which are heavily utilized in undergraduate general chemistry coursework. Complete this registration form by July 26, 2024 to secure your spot in the workshop.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When and where will the workshop take place?

    This workshop will be completely remote with synchronous meetings on Zoom, and will take place during two weeks in August:  August 13, 14, 15 and August 20, 21, 22.  On each workshop day, registrants will have two options to attend (content will be the same for both options):  either a morning session from 9-11am or an evening session from 6-8 pm (workshop times are in the Central time zone).

  • Why should I participate?

    Oftentimes, students report struggling just as much with math as the chemical concepts when taking General Chemistry I. This workshop aims to get participants refreshed on the algebraic skills needed to tackle problems encountered in general chemistry coursework. Honing these mathematical skills over the summer can help you focus on the new chemical concepts this fall! Additionally, the live sessions will allow you to start forming connections with other students taking Chem 111 this fall. You will also get to meet student and faculty mentors who can help answer your questions about Macalester and beyond. Many students find value in forming study groups and having a strong support system during their time in college, and this may be the first step in creating some of those connections!

  • Do I have to take part in the RISE workshop to be successful in General Chemistry?

    No. The RISE program is not necessary for you to succeed in General Chemistry, but it is open to everyone.

  • What does a typical RISE meeting look like?

    The workshop will include both pre-recorded videos exploring content as well as live, virtual problem-solving sessions where you will be able to work through problems with your future classmates. The workshops will be led by current Macalester student mentors who have taken General Chemistry I already and want to help you practice your skills and meet new classmates. On your own before each session, you will watch between one to four short videos on the topics covered in that session. During the live Zoom sessions, you will work on problems related to the topics covered in the videos in small groups with the assistance of the mentors. After each session you will be given additional practice problems to work through on your own if you choose to do so.

  • How do I sign up?

    Complete this registration form by July 26, 2024 to secure your spot in the workshop. We strongly encourage full participation in the workshop to get the most out of these materials, but if unable to attend live sessions due to scheduling or other conflicts, please indicate this on your form and we will provide you with videos and worksheets you can explore at your own pace.

  • What if I can’t attend RISE workshops?

    All of the material from the RISE workshops will be shared with students who are taking General Chemistry I in the Fall.

  • What are some examples of content that would be covered during the RISE workshop?

    RISE sessions for General Chemistry are focused on math concepts regularly used in general chemistry. Each session will likely cover one to four separate topics. Examples of topics include logarithms and how to rearrange equations.

  • Who can I reach out to with additional questions?

    If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Alden ([email protected]), Susan Green ([email protected]), and/or Kelsey Boyle ([email protected]).