SciFinder Scholar Instructions
ChemistryOlin-Rice Science Center, Room 320 651-696-6042
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About SciFinder Scholar
SciFinder Scholar is a journal indexing tool of great use to chemists. As a member of the Macalester community, you have access to SciFinder scholar for the pursuit of Macalester-based scholarly research. (You’ll read more about the restrictions when you register – be sure to heed them! In a nutshell, though, you can’t use this service to do stuff for other people, or to pursue an idea you have for a profit-making venture that has nothing to do with your Macalester research.)
Using SciFinder Scholar
Before you can use SciFinder scholar, you need to establish a username for the system. This can only be done on campus. From an on-campus location (it can be your own computer, provided your network connectivity is being provided by the college), follow this link.
Once you have provided the necessary information and agreed to the terms and conditions, you can submit your request for a SciFinder account. Shortly thereafter, you should get an email indicating that your account is ready. You are now ready to log in to the system. You can do this from anywhere, but from off campus you must go through the Library’s proxy system. Click this link to connect to SciFinder Scholar.
Other Indexes and Databases
There are certainly other handy indexes and databases of particular interest to chemists, many of which we have access to. Some of these include
For others, consult the library’s extensive database listing
If you want help keeping track of your journal articles across multiple indexes, or help in constructing a bibliography, the Refworks Tool will come in mighty handy!