College Access Additional Resources
Community Engagement CenterMarkim Hall, Third Floor 651-696-6040
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The following websites provide insights and tools on planning for college.
Local Resources
Minnesota Department of Higher Education
The Minnesota Office of Higher Education provides students with financial aid programs and information to help them gain access to postsecondary education. Its mission is to advance the promise of higher education to all Minnesotans and provide the critical information that guides higher education decisions.
Minnesota College Access Network
MCAN is an advocacy network of people dedicated to making sure that every student in Minnesota state has access to higher education. Site contains downloadable brochures and information.
Minnesota Private College Council
Many families with middle schoolers have questions about how they should start thinking about college. They want to know how to plan, prepare and finance their child’s education. Topics on these pages include why now is a good time to start thinking about college options, college financing basics and what is distinct about our private nonprofit options.
National Resources
Macalester is a QuestBridge partner and participant in the QuestBridge National College Match, a college and scholarship application process that helps outstanding low-income high school seniors gain admission and full four-year scholarships to some of the nation’s most selective colleges. We encourage all interested students to explore this partnership at You will find information about the 39 college partners, including information on National College Match, College Prep Scholarship, and Quest for Excellence Awards.
College Board
This website provides resources for planning and preparing for college in high school. It emphasizes not just academic preparation for high school students, but also the need to prepare for the transition to college life.
Pathways to College Network
This network strives to improve access to higher education for children from low-income, poorly represented or minority backgrounds through research and the availability of information. The site includes online access to reports, studies and other resources for middle school, high school, and college students, as well as teachers, parents and counselors.
Strive for College
An online community for first-generation college students—and their supporters. Hear inspiring stories and share your own, discover colleges that care about first-gen students, find answers to your questions about college, and receive guidance on the road to and through college..
First Generation Student
An informational website that provides advice and tools for finding, applying, succeeding in, and paying for college as a first generation student. The site also features a blog where first generation graduates share motivation, advice, and personal stories, as well as tips from professors.