Scots Care Team
The Scot Care Case Management Team is a centralized system for faculty, staff, students, and others to refer concerns regarding students exhibiting disruptive, distressed, or high-risk behaviors. This system is designed to offer support to Macalester students who are experiencing significant personal, wellbeing, or academic concerns, including those which may impact the campus community.
The focus is to connect Mac students with resources, support, and guidance as they navigate various levels of distress or the impact from extenuating circumstances. A team member meets with the student to assess current needs, explore options, and connect them to resources and/or services.
When to Refer to the Scots Care Team
- There are concerns about appearance or changes in appearance
- Worrisome statements – “If I fail this class I might as well not be here”
- Atypical behavior – mumbling, shifting rapidly between moods
- Disjointed thoughts, intense emotions, inappropriate responses
- Disclosure of difficulty dealing with daily life, multiple stressors, anxiety
- Concerns related to substance abuse
- High risk behaviors observed online or off-campus
Scots Care Team Referral
Submit a referral. If you are a Macalester Community Member, please log in to ensure we have the most accurate information to assist the student being referred.
You may also scan this QR code to submit a referral.

Confidentiality and Records
All submissions are handled with discretion. Based on the information you provide, a member of the Scots Care Team will follow up with the student. Due to the confidential nature of the referral, the Scots Care Team may not be able to send updates on referrals made using the online submission form. At no time does the the Scots Care Team affect a student’s official transcript or standing with any part of the campus.
Scots Care Team Members
The Scots Care Team meet regularly to discuss students referred to the care team, assign student cases for support, and follow up with students to provide resources. A representative from the following areas sits on the team.
- Dean of Students Office
- Center for Disability Resources (CDR)
- Laurie Hamre Center for Health and Wellness
- Academic Programs and Advising
- International Student Programs
- Kofi Annan Institute for Global Citizenship
- Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice
- Athletics
- Center for Religious and Spiritual Life
- Residential Life
What does outreach look like, sound like? Where may outreach come from?
- Guided intervention by third party (referring party, staff, friend, etc.)
Members of the care team typically provide guidance and suggestions on how to provide support to the student they referred to the care team. - Phone call from Dean of Students Office and/or Letter of Outreach sent to student (with information on available resources and/or invitation to meet.)
A phone call or email from the Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students is always a call for support. Typically started with an introduction of who we are, the role we play on the Scots Care Team, and the reason for the call.
May sound like “Hi (name) this is Javier the Dean of Students, I’m calling as a member of the Scots Care Team and your name was referred to us as someone who may be in need of some support or at risk for not being successful. I wanted to see if we could set up a time to meet to see how I might be of assistance.” - Connection to campus and/or community resources.
Student meets with Dean of Students/Student Affairs Staff or Campus Resource Staff to discuss situation and review:
-Referral for assistance/services (i.e., campus resources, Hamre Center, CDR, etc.)
-Academic options/procedures (i.e., dropping a course, leave of absence, etc.)
-Create Student Success Plan, if appropriate
-Parental or Emergency Contact notification
The purpose of Macalester College providing this resource to faculty and staff is as a ‘quick guide’ to helping support students. By sharing your concerns and intervening early, you can help maintain a healthy and safe campus. This folder is designed to help you recognize indicators of student distress and how to respond and refer the student appropriately.
Request a Scots Care Program Presentation
Scots Care provides outreach, support, and early intervention. The purpose of the workshop is to generate awareness of Scots Care and educate how the campus community may submit a referral of concern regarding students showing signs of distress or who may be at risk for not being successful. The workshop is a 40 minute presentation available to students, student organizations, staff , and faculty members of the Mac campus community. Click the link below to view additional details and contact information.