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Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE):

Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world’s largest academic honor societies. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics; the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics within colleges and universities, and among colleges and universities. At Macalester, ODE holds speaker sessions pertaining to current topics, engages students and faculty in research and hosts a variety of events that change from year to year.

Presidents:  Maria Benito Correa, Christina Spicher

Board Members:  Kalid Ali, Sophie Biesterfeld, Ethan Caldecott, Faye Dingle, Michelle Dong, Jordy Marin Urbina, Michael Nguyen, Samina Stack

Journal Editors:  Gavin Engelstad, Giovanny Martinez Rodriguez, Michael Nguyen, Samina Stack

Macalester Investment Group (MIG):

MIG provides a real-world group setting for students to learn about investing in companies and help manage the group’s own $85,000 portfolio. Members pitch a buy or sell recommendation, which is discussed and voted on by the rest of the group. While this portfolio is our core, weekly topics vary and have included help with networking, interviews, and resumes. Some members are looking to enter the finance industry, but many are simply interested in learning about the non-academic world and how to manage money. MIG meets weekly and is open to all majors.

President: Jalen Little
Vice President: Sean Maxfield
Networking Programs: Sid Layesa
Education Programs: Linh Dang
Marketing and Recruiting: Kyle Heron
Hedge Fund Groups: Ethan Caldecott, Arlo Heitler, Brady Thomas

Women in Economics (WIE):

Women in Economics is a newly revived student organization dedicated to strengthening the network between female students, faculty and alumni who have an interest in economics. The organization has three main goals:

  • To increase student awareness of on-campus opportunities like research grants and teaching assistantships,
  • To provide career support and networking opportunities for internship and job searches;
  • To create an informal network of student mentors within the economics department.

The organization meets biweekly and hosts 2–3 events each semester, ranging from workshops, to alumni panels, to guest lectures and charity events. In the past we have cosponsored events with Macalester Development Group, Macalester Investment Group and Omicron Delta Epsilon.

Leaders: Sophie Biesterfeld, Mena Feleke, Anna Fratto, Minseo Kim, Rūta Rupeikyte, Skye Sun

Macalester Consulting Club:

Macalester Consulting Club engages students from all academic backgrounds in the field of consulting. The group examines case studies and coordinates case-interview practices. This group is ideal for students interested in pursuing a career in consulting or those who want to sharpen their critical thinking skills and apply what they have learned, especially in the areas of, but not limited to: economics, math, geography, international studies, etc. We bring in accomplished alumni and current students to discuss their career and internship experiences.

Leaders: Kalid Ali, Ethan Caldecott, Bailey Lengfelder, Minh Nguyen, Neel Thakurdas

Macalester Entrepreneurship Club:

Macalester Entrepreneurship Club is a group of entrepreneurial minded students who develop ideas into products and businesses.  They serve as a supportive arm for Entrepreneurship at Macalester and hold meetings where they collaborate with entrepreneurs from the Twin Cities area.

Leaders: Laurice Jimu, Shakthi Palraj, Maggie Walker