Recent Publications
Department Publications
(*) denotes a current or former Macalester College Student
Chandra, R., Moschini, G., & Lade, G. (Forthcoming). Geographic indicators and welfare: Evidence from the US wine market. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Damon, A. (2024). How community engaged learning spurs meaningful understandings in economics. In Gleanings from the field: A holistic approach to community-based development (pp. 123-145). Michigan Publishing: Lever Press.
Ding, L., Li, S. ’21, & Xue, Y. (2024). Choosing American colleges from afar: Chinese students’ perspectives. Journal of International Students, 14(3), 89-108.
Kohan, V. ’23, Solis-Garcia, M., & Xie, Y. ’15. (2024). Measuring the size of the shadow economy using a dynamic general equilibrium model. In C. Elgin (Ed.), Routledge handbook of the informal economy (pp. 250-260). London: Routledge.
Kohan, V. ’23, Solis-Garcia, M., & Xie, Y. ’15. (2024). DGE-based estimates of the shadow economy: Is the informal economy an escape valve? In C. Elgin (Ed.), Routledge handbook of the informal economy (pp. 20-60). London: Routledge.
Lade, G., Comito, J., Benning, J., Kling, C., & Keiser, D. (2024). Improving private well testing programs: Experimental evidence from Iowa. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(3).
Rodriguez-Lopez, J., & Solis-Garcia, M. (2024). On the decline in the magnitude of the expenditure multiplier. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 28(6), 1313-1345.
Solis-Garcia, M. (2024). Does it spark joy? Reworking macroeconomics in a principles of economics course. The American Economist, 69(2), 259-270.
Christensen, P., Keiser, D., & Lade, G. (2023). Economic effects of environmental crises: Evidence from Flint, Michigan. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 15(1).
Damon, A., Ngom, K. ’19, & Whipple, H. ’21. (2023). The effects of land inheritance laws on agricultural investment in polygynous households: Evidence from Uganda. Journal of Development Studies, 59(1), 1-19.
Damon, A., Setyonaluri, D., Aryaputra, C., Riyanto, U. A., & Sijapati-Basnett, B. (2023). Piloting the measurement of time use, supervisory care and women’s agency in Indonesia. Collaborative report between Prospera, Investing in Women and the University of Indonesia.
Friedt, F. L. (2023). Ports, trade, employment, and local factor prices: Empirical evidence based on disaster-induced rerouting of international trade. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 57(1), 2-21.
Marshall, E., Saunoris, J., Solis-Garcia, M., & Do, T. (2023). Measuring the size and dynamics of U.S. state-level shadow economies using a dynamic general equilibrium model with trends. Journal of Macroeconomics, 75, Article 103491.
West, S. E., & Pilgram, C. ’15. (2023). Transit station area walkability: Identifying impediments to walking using scalable, recomputable land-use measures. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 16(1), 267-292.
West, S. E., & Agustini, K. A. V. ’19. (2023). Redevelopment along arterial streets: The effects of light rail on land use change. Real Estate Economics, 51(4), 891-930.
Friedt, Felix L. “Ports, Trade, Employment, and Local Factor Prices: An Urban Equilibrium Theory.” Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. 56.4 (2022): 381-398.
Friedt, Felix L., Jeffrey P. Cohen and Jackson P. Lautier. “The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on New York City Real Estate: First Evidence.” Journal of Regional Science. 62.3 (2022): 858-888.
Friedt, Felix L. and Aidan Toner-Rodgers*. “Natural disasters, intra-national FDI spillovers and economic divergence: Evidence from India.” Journal of Development Economics, Volume 157, June 2022
Solis-Garcia, Mario. “A (pedagogical) note on the log-linearization of functions of several variables.” International Review of Economics Education 37, 100210.
Lade, Gabriel. “Residential Water Conservation During Drought: Experimental Evidence from Three Behavioral Interventions.” With Katrina Jessoe, Frank Loge and Edward Spang. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 110, 2021
Lade, Gabriel. “Hurricanes and Gasoline Price Gouging.” With Timothy K.M. Beatty and Jay Shimshack. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 8(2), 2021.
Lade, Gabriel. “Conservation Spillovers and Behavioral Interventions: Experimental Evidence from Water and Energy Use.” With Katrina Jessoe, Frank Loge and Edward Spang. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 8(2), 2021.
Lade, Gabriel. “The Design of Renewable Fuel Policies and Cost Containment Mechanisms.” With C.-Y Cynthia Lin Lawell. Environmental and Resource Economics. 79(2): 213-247, 2021.
Ding, Liang. “Conditional Correlation between Exchange Rates and Stock Prices”, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 80, May 2021, Pages 452-463.
Friedt, Felix L. “Natural Disasters, Aggregate Trade Resilience and Persistent Local Disruptions: Evidence from Hurricane Katrina.” Review of International Economics. March 2021.
Friedt, Felix L. and Jeffrey Cohen. “Valuation of Noise Pollution and Abatement Policy: Evidence from the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport.” Land Economics. August 2021.
Friedt, Felix L. and Abigail Crispin*. “The Far Reach of Hurricane Maria: Spillover Effects on U.S. Pharmaceutical Sectors and Other Exposed Industries.” Economics of Disasters and Climate Change. October 2021.
Friedt, Felix L. and Jeffrey P. Cohen. “Perception vs. Reality: The Aviation Noise Complaint Effect on Home Values.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. November 2021.
Friedt, Felix. “Trade, Transportation and Trade Imbalances: An Empirical Examination of International Markets and Backhauls.” With Wesley W. Wilson. Canadian Journal of Economics. 53.2 (2020): 592-636
Friedt, Felix. The triple effect of Covid-19 on Chinese exports: First evidence of the export supply, import demand and GVC contagion effects” With Kaichong Zhang* Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers. 53 (2020): 72-109
Friedt, Felix. “The Economic Impact of Seaport and Other Infrastructure Investment and Leakages: A Literature Review.” With Wesley W. Wilson. Journal of Transportation Economics and Policy. 54(4) (2020): 219-243.
Lade, Gabriel. “Costs of Inefficient Regulation: Evidence from the Bakken.” With Ivan Rudik. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 102: 1-19, 2020.
Kronebusch, Natalie* and Amy Damon. “The effect of Conditional Cash Transfers on the Micronutrient Transition” Economics and Human Biology Vol. 33, May, 169-180.
Damon, Amy and Aine McCarthy. “The effect of polygamy on agricultural input decisions” Agricultural Economics Vol. 50(5) pgs. 527-542.
Snyder, Samantha. “Spatial and Temporal Variation in the Value of the Women, Infants, and Children Program’s Fruit and Vegetable Voucher.” with Metin Çakır, Timothy K M Beatty, Michael A Boland, Timothy A Park, Yanghao Wang. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 100, Issue 3, April 2018, Pages 691–706
Solis-Garcia, Mario. “Measuring the size of the shadow economy using a dynamic general equilibrium model with trends.” with Yingtong Xie. Journal of Macroeconomics 56: 258-275, 2018.
Solis-Garcia, Mario. “Yes we can! Teaching DSGE models to undergraduate students.” Forthcoming, Journal of Economic Education, 2018.
Damon, Amy. “Asymmetric information in microinsurance markets: Experimental evidence from Mexico” with Jonathan Bauchet and Brian Hunter. Economic Development and Cultural Change in press.
West, Sarah. “Fading premiums: The effect of light rail on residential property values in Minneapolis, Minnesota,” with Clemens Pilgram.* Regional Science and Urban Economics. 69: 1–10, 2018.
Damon, Amy. “What Education Policies and Programs Affect Learning and Time in School in Developing Countries?” with Paul Glewwe, Suzanne Wisniewki, and Bixuan Sun. Review of Education. in press.
Ding, Liang. “Asymmetric Impact of Monetary Surprises on Exchange Rates”, with Qianyi Yang*, Applied Economics, Volume 50, 2018 – Issue 7, Pages 789-803.