11.0 Benefits General Information
Macalester offers a comprehensive benefits program designed to provide employees with the resources they need to maintain their well-being in all respects. Benefits provided by the College are many and varied, and are a part of your total compensation. All regular employees working at least a .75 FTE over a twelve (12) month period are considered full-time employees and are eligible for full-time benefits. All regular employees working between a .5-.75 FTE over a twelve (12) month period are considered part-time employees and may be eligible for part-time benefits, some of which are calculated on a prorated basis. Employees employed in positions that are less than six (6) months in duration are considered temporary and not eligible for most benefits. Temporary employees working six (6) months or less, may be eligible for the following benefits:
- Worker’s Compensation
- Social Security
- Sick time accrued at .0334 per compensated hour
Employees who are paid with funds that are not a part of the College’s on-going budget such as grants, are considered to be on “soft” money.
- Soft money appointments must be more than six months. Employees with an assigned FTE of .5 or greater, with appointments of greater than six months, are eligible for time-off benefits which are prorated per FTE. The combination with other soft money appointments and/or regular staff appointment may apply towards the .5 FTE designation.
- The employee must utilize available time off benefits when taking time away and time off benefits are only available during the soft money appointment period as accrued. No cash payout or carryover at the end of the appointment will be allowed.
For information about benefits, please contact Human Resources for further assistance.