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13.5 Facilities Services/Security Office Services


All Macalester employees and passengers must wear seat belts or other restraint devices when operating or riding in any college-owned vehicle being used for college or personal business. This policy applies to leased, rented or owned passenger vehicles, tractors, off-the-road vehicles, light trucks, farm equipment where restraint are provided. This policy also applies to drivers and passengers in private vehicles operated on College business.

If you ride in a college or private vehicle on business and do not use the front seat belts or other restraints, or back seat belts when available, you will be considered to be in violation of this policy.


Please click on the link below to view the College Van Policy.


Employees are strongly encouraged to use College provided parking lots. All employees must register their vehicles if they will be operated or parked on the College campus. Vehicles may be registered with the Facilities Services Office on a daily basis, Monday – Friday. No fee is charged, though the person registering the vehicle must have a valid driver’s license and vehicle license number, and must sign a certificate indicating minimum insurance coverage. Vehicles operated by visitors to the campus should be registered if the visitor will be residing here more than 48 hours.


Identification cards (I.D.) are prepared weekdays at the Card Services Office in the Campus Center, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All employees should obtain a card as soon as possible after they start employment.

One Faculty/Staff picture I.D. card is issued to each Macalester Staff/Faculty person and their spouse or qualified domestic partner. The I.D. card, and services afforded by it, are meant for the named person only and cannot be transferred. Each Staff/Faculty person is responsible for any charges incurred through use and/or misuse of their Staff/Faculty I.D. card. Employees must report a lost of stolen I.D. card immediately to the Safety and Security Office (651-696-6278). There is a $15.00 charge for replacing lost or stolen I.D. cards. Terminating employees must relinquish their I.D. card and any card issued to their spouse or qualified domestic partner.

Please see Staff Handbook section 3.20 regarding release of the final paycheck in the event College property is not returned by the employee.


The Facilities Services Office has responsibility for the distribution and collection of keys on campus. College issued keys are not to be duplicated or loaned to anyone. A requisition for keys must be made in writing to the Facilities Services Office. The order must include department chair or supervisor’s signature, exact location for which keys are needed, how many keys for each area are to be made, and the name of the person to whom the keys are to be issued.

The College Key Policy specifies that employees must return their keys prior to receiving their last paycheck. Further, any lost or stolen keys are replaced at a cost of $30.00 per key to the employee. (For more specific information, see the College Key Control Policy, available in the Facilities Services Office.)

Please see Staff Handbook section 3.20 regarding release of the final paycheck in the event College property is not returned by the employee.


Macalester College would much rather prevent crimes from occurring than react to them after the fact. A primary vehicle for accomplishing this goal is the College’s comprehensive crime prevention program based on the dual concepts of eliminating/minimizing criminal opportunities, and encouraging students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others.

Some of the crime prevention programs and projects employed by Macalester College include emergency telephones, crime prevention presentations, printed crime prevention materials, electronic alarm systems, facilities surveys, and sexual violence education and prevention. The Annual Safety and Security Information Report required by the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act and its amendments is available upon request from Macalester’s Human Resources Department, Security Office or access the following website:

The report contains crime definitions, certain campus crime statistics, reporting procedure, prevention programs, and drug and alcolhol policies.

Crime Reporting

All faculty, staff and student employees should take responsibility and report any criminal activity occurring on campus to Campus Security. In addition, all college employees must report any sexual violence that occurs on campus to Campus Security in accordance with the Student Right-to-Know and Security Act and its amendments. Employees aware of sexual violence on campus must report this information in a timely manner to Campus Security. Campus Security is the authorized recorder of all criminal activity on campus.


Security Officers or Student SAFEwalk teams are on duty 24 hours a day and are available as escorts anywhere on campus with advance notice. Employees are encouraged to call for an escort if they are working late or coming to work very early. To arrange for an escort, call 651-696-6699.


If circumstances warrant, special printed crime alerts can be prepared and distributed either selectively or throughout campus. In addition, Mac Alert (text messaging system), telephone voice mail and e-mail alerts can be made to all campus subscriber.

13.5.9 PERSONAL ELECTRONIC CONVEYANCES (Hoverboards, E-bikes, etc.)

Due to a range of safety concerns, Macalester College prohibits the indoor use, storage, and charging of all personal electronic conveyances in college owned buildings; including but not limited to hoverboards, E-bikes, E-skateboards, etc.  

Devices that have attained a UL listing designation for their charging and battery systems may be issued an exemption at the sole discretion of the Facilities Services department.  Persons seeking an exemption should present the device and documentation showing UL certification at the Facilities Services office for review.

This policy does not apply to electronic mobility devices for people with disabilities. These devices use different types of batteries that are not known to pose a risk of catching fire while charging or in use

Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action by the college and confiscation and disposal of the device.