3. Employment Policies and Practices
- 3.1 Staff Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action Policy
- 3.2 Background Check
- 3.3 Selection and Placement
- 3.4 Reemployment
- 3.5 Classification of Work
- 3.6 Employment Letters/Salary Notices
- 3.7 Temporary Staff Employment
- 3.10 Hours of Work and Outside Consulting
- 3.11 Flexible Work Arrangements
- 3.12 Time Reporting/Pay Procedures/Overtime
- 3.13 Campus Tours
- 3.14 Human Resources Department Services
- 3.15 Review of Personnel Record by Employee
- 3.16 Employment Responsibilities
- 3.17 Termination of Employment
- 3.18 Protests and/or Occupation of Offices