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3.16 Employment Responsibilities


As a Macalester College staff member, you have the opportunity to represent the College on a daily basis. Each day many persons may contact Macalester by letter, telephone, and in person. You may be the first Macalester employee to meet or speak to one of the many visitors who come to the campus each year–students, parents, faculty, alumni, delegates to conferences, guests for special events, representatives of commerce, public officials and many others. Courtesy, thoughtfulness and willingness to be helpful, both to those from outside the College and those within, are extremely important because, in many instances, you are “Macalester College”.

You have been hired to do a specific job. How well you do it has an important effect on your personal success at the College and on the viability and progress of the institution itself. Certain specific responsibilities and expectations are listed in your position description, set forth in the text of this handbook, and outlined by your supervisor.

The College has many obligations to others. One of the most important is to maintain the highest ethical standards in all the associations and activities with outsiders that take place on behalf of the College. A high degree of personal responsibility, integrity and the exercise of judgment on the part of College employees is needed. It is essential that all College employees conduct College activities in a manner that will withstand the sharpest scrutiny.

Staff members are encouraged to express their ideas and thoughts regarding workplace issues when appropriate. You may be called upon to serve on one of the representative committees that often review and recommend policy. Staff are also reminded that we are all engaged in an enterprise that requires the confidence and high opinion of the public. When thoughtful and appropriate internal methods of airing differences are circumvented the entire community suffers.

The College also recognizes that differences of opinion will arise in any situation where people work closely together. It expects employees to seek resolutions of their differences in a spirit of cooperation, trust, and openness.

You may wish to have discussions with members of the Human Resources Department staff who are both willing to assist employees with any job-related problems you may have, or to offer advice in the areas of compensation, performance, job enrichment, and career advancement. Good performance in any group requires observance of reasonable guidelines as outlined above. TheHuman Resources Department will assist you in interpretation in an effort to ensure understanding and clarity.


All members of the Macalester Community – including faculty, staff, students, and college committees – proposing research that involves hum subjects must receive approval from the college’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) before starting a project.

Research involving animals should be reviewed by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).


There are two categories of academic appointments for staff members.

Teaching duties which are part of the staff appointment

Certain staff positions require teaching as part of the staff appointment.  In this case the staff salary, title and FTE include teaching responsibilities.

Other conditions for an academic appointment for staff are:

An academic department may hire a staff member to teach, with the approval of the staff supervisor and the Provost. In this case the faculty appointment is optional, and is completely separate from the staff appointment.

  • The staff member will receive a separate appointment letter as a faculty member; including a faculty title, salary and FTE.
  • The staff member may only teach one course per term during their employment period unless their normal staff duties require teaching and optional additional teaching as noted above is approved.
  • More information on part-time faculty appointments is included in the Faculty section of the Employee Handbook/

Staff in either category may receive Faculty Travel and Research (FTR) funds, subject to eligibility requirements.