Ben Voigt
English Department OfficeOld Main, Room 210 651-696-6387
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Visiting Assistant Professor, English
Poetry; creative nonfiction, fiction, hybrid/mixed form writing; ecopoetics and ecocriticism; documentary filmmaking.
Benjamin Voigt grew up in upstate New York on a small farm and the internet. He is a graduate of Macalester College and the University of Alabama’s MFA in Creative Writing. He is the author of the poetry chapbook Postpastoral, winner of the inaugural Chapbook Fellowship. His poems have been published (or are forthcoming) in AGNI, ZYZZYVA, Poetry Northwest, Bennington Review and Fence. His poetry criticism has been published in the Kenyon Review, Pleiades, and on the Poetry Foundation’s website. He’s taught courses at Macalester in 20th century poetry, the pastoral, writing about place, and the intersection of creative writing and politics. As the academic technologist for Old Main and the language departments, he helps faculty and students with digital class and research projects.
Areas of interest
- Poetry
- Creative nonfiction
- Fiction
- Hybrid/mixed form writing
- Ecopoetics
- Ecocriticism
- Documentary filmmaking