Michael Prior
English Department OfficeOld Main, Room 210 651-696-6387
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Associate Professor, English and Mellon ACM Faculty Fellow
Poetry, politics of poetic form, Asian American poetries, creative nonfiction, intergenerational memory, literary citizenship.
Old Main 214
[email protected]
Michael Prior is the author of two books of poems: Burning Province (McClelland & Stewart/Penguin Random House, 2020), which won the Canada-Japan Literary Award and the BC & Yukon Book Prizes’ Poetry Prize, and Model Disciple (Véhicule Press, 2016). He is the recent recipient of fellowships from the New York Public Library’s Cullman Center, the Jerome Foundation, and the Amy Clampitt Residency. His poems have appeared in The New Republic, Poetry, The Kenyon Review, Sewanee Review, Poetry Daily, and the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-A-Day series, among other magazines and anthologies. Michael is currently at work on a third collection of poems and a book of essays.
Michael Prior will be on Sabbatical for the 2024-2025 Academic Year