Summer 2022 Live It Fund Recipients
The Story of Snakebite
Chloe Elisabeth Vasquez ’24
The Story of Snakebite is a documentary/ photojournalism initiative to raise awareness about snakebite and suggest solutions to the global problem of envenomations.
America: Through The Lens

Tyler Sanchez ’24
‘Shades of America’ is a book that tells the story of BIPOC strangers across the US. These stories are hopeful, off putting, depressing, cheerful, and about every emotion in between. The goal is to hear many different perspectives of BIPOC and to show the lived experience that the media might not be showing.
A time Capsule of Kampala

Chevonne Kwarisiima ’24
- A Time Capsule of Kampala was a photography exhibition showcasing the ways that resilience creates beauty amongst the youth in Kampala. Working with three youth artists, I documented the Pandemic as seen through the eyes of the youth. Highlighting the strain on education, healthcare and daily life. To crown off the exhibition, I organised a live conversation with one of the leaders of Frauen Ug, a youth founded non-profit that provides medical support to victims of sexual violence (@frauenug on all social media platforms). One of the many youth founded non-profits that were born during of the Covid lockdown era and a testament to the agency youths in Uganda continue to hold.