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Monthly Newsletter


A newsletter published by the
Macalester Environmental Studies Department

February 25, 2025

Any upcoming events, job opportunities, conferences, or other environmental news received by the ES Department are included in this newsletter. More information on the items listed in This Just In! can be received by contacting the ES Department. Current and archived issues.

In This Issue….

1.  Macalester Summer Research
2.  Off Campus Student Employment for Next School Year
3.  Internship with Dakota Count
4.  Itasca Biological Station’s Field Biology Program
5.  Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Environmental Sustainability Foundation Scholarship
6.  Lecture by James Thornton at Walker Art Center on April 8
7.  Renewable Energy Jobs
8.  Underrepresented Students in STEM Symposium
9.  Loons and Lakes Conservation Internship
10.  Internship with the City of Hastings
11.  Jobs and Internships Listed on Handshake

1.  Macalester Summer Research

Macalester Summer Research applications are now open until Monday, March 3. More information on the Office of Student Research and Creativity site. This is where students can apply to work with faculty, for “Special for Mac” positions, and for fellowships.

2. Off Campus Student Employment for Next School Year

Do you want to earn your work study at a community partner site off campus? Learn about local issues and develop new skills while engaging in community-based work in the larger Twin Cities. The OCSE program is designed to deepen institutional partnerships between Macalester and local community organizations, and is open to anyone who has student employment/work study as part of their financial aid package at Mac. The focus of the program is to encourage students to serve as a bridge between the local organization and Macalester College, encouraging reciprocity as the two build on the varied resources of the other. Learn about Positions.

To learn more, you are invited to join an info session on Monday, March 3, from 11:30-12:30 pm in the Community Engagement Center on the 3rd floor Markim Hall.

Application due March 14, 2025. Application link.

3.  Internship with Dakota County

Dakota County’s Western Service Center in Apple Valley is looking for an Environmental Resources Intern. This internship position is a great opportunity for a current college student or recent college graduate to explore their interest and gain work experience in the solid waste and recycling field.  It’s a temporary (6-month), full-time (40 hours/week) internship for a college student or graduate interested in the areas of waste prevention, reuse, and recycling activities. This internship position functions in a staff-level capacity as part of the Environmental Initiatives (EI) Unit of the Environmental Resources Department at the Western Service Center in Apple Valley, MN.

Application deadline: 4:30 pm on March 14, 2025.

4.  Itasca Biological Station’s Field Biology Program

Registration for Itasca Biological Station’s Field Biology program opens March 6 for students outside the UMN system. This year they are offering the following six courses, all starting May 18:

  • Field Studies in Mammalogy (EEB 4839 – 4 credits) 
  • Animal Behavior in the Field (EEB 3811W – 4 credits) 
  • Field Mycology (PMB 3812/5812 – 3 credits) 
  • Field Microbiology (PMB 3802/5802 – 3 credits)
  • Field Ornithology (EEB 4844 – 3 credits) 
  • Field Entomology (BIOL 3800 – 3 credits)  

Students can use the Itasca Field Biology Course Registration and Key Dates page to access the course registration and zoom info session links. Our video “Why to register for Itasca Field Biology” is also a helpful resource for curious students.

5.  Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Environmental Sustainability Foundation Scholarship

The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Environmental Sustainability Foundation (MCCESF) recognizes that a strong, responsible and sustainable future requires a knowledgeable workforce. This scholarship is designed to assist students interested in a career in environmental and/or sustainability fields.

Up to two recipients will be awarded a scholarship (up to $5,000 each) per academic year. One rising junior will be accepted per year with the opportunity to receive the scholarship again in their senior year (up to $10,000 over a 2-year period).   All eligible recipients will be notified on the first Monday in April. Apply Here

To be eligible, students must:

  • Be currently enrolled in a degree program in environmental studies, natural sciences or other related areas of study
  • Be a rising junior, meaning starting junior year in the fall of 2025
  • Attend a school located in Minnesota or be a Minnesota resident
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Not be related to any of the directors, officers or selection committee members of MCCESF

6.  Lecture by James Thorton at Walker Art Center on April 8

Mack Lectures provide a platform for changemakers at the forefront of their fields to share new ideas and alternative ways of working. On April 8 at 7 p.m., leading environmentalist and founder of ClientEarth James Thornton comes to the Walker Art Center An innovator of legal strategies to address climate change and environmental degradation, Thornton will discuss new ways to think about and tackle global environmental challenges. Thornton’s presentation is followed by a dialogue moderated by Jothsna Harris, founder of Change Narrative LLC, and a Q&A with the audience. .

7.  Renewable Energy Jobs

For those looking for renewable energy jobs through all this uncertainty here are some options. The geothermal industry is hiring, including the organization Geothermal Rising. This nonprofit is hiring for a major gifts officer and two research fellows. There are also academic positions, communications & marketing positions, and jobs that require project management expertise. Many of these positions are remote or have flexible working environments. Job Postings

8.  Underrepresented Students in STEM Symposium

The next Underrepresented Students in STEM Symposium – Twin Cities (USSS-TC) will be taking place on Saturday, April 12, 2025!  This is a free, in-person research symposium we are hosting specifically for BIPOC students in STEM in the Twin Cities to present their scientific research, a research proposal, or a scientific paper they are interested in (so no research experience needed!). The event in the past involved presentations on original research and research proposals, panel discussions on graduate school, and CV/resume review, among other topics. There is also an optional mentorship component in which undergraduates are paired with a graduate student or post-doc mentor to help them prepare their symposium materials!

The deadline to submit the materials to present at the symposium is March 28, 2025. This is the perfect opportunity for students to practice their scientific presentation skills. Register for this symposium HERE

9. Loons & Lakes Conservation Internship

Spend a summer at The Nest with the National Loon Center! We’re looking for an enthusiastic summer intern to support our programs dedicated to research, education, and conservation of the Common Loon and its freshwater habitat. You will learn and develop skills in science communication, volunteer engagement, and community science. Work closely with the Science & Stewardship Manager as part of a small, collaborative team where every day brings something new. Join us for an exciting year where the National Loon Center will be breaking ground on our upcoming educational facility at our future campus site. This internship is based out of our informational center, The Nest, in Crosslake, Minnesota.

10. Internship with the City of Hastings

The City of Hastings, MN, is looking for a Communications Intern who will assist the Communications Coordinator with a variety of digital communications tasks and projects, including developing social media content, writing articles, writing and editing web content, ensuring web and social media are ADA compliant, and helping with events and community initiatives.

Application deadline: March 17, 2025.

11.  Jobs and Internships Listed on Handshake

handshake logo

Handshake at Macalester is our career services platform.

Students:  Handshake is preloaded with your basic profile data. Simply log in with your Macalester user id and password.

Read Getting Started with Handshake Guide for Students

The more you use Handshake, the better it works for you. Personalize your experience by filling out career interests and profile. As you choose opportunities and events that interest you, Handshake will learn to present you with opportunities best suited to your needs.

Any questions regarding this newsletter or to be removed from the mailing list, contact Ann Esson at [email protected].