Monthly Newsletter
Environmental StudiesOlin-Rice Science Center, Room 249 651-696-6274
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A newsletter published by the
Macalester Environmental Studies Department
September 29, 2023
Any upcoming events, job opportunities, conferences, or other environmental news received by the ES Department are included in this newsletter. More information on the items listed in This Just In! can be received by contacting the ES Department. Current and archived issues.
In This Issue….
1. Project Green Challenge – Starts October 1
2. Public Policy Hackathon – November 4
3. Macalester Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs
4. EcoSystem Field Studies
5. Jobs and Internships Listed on Handshake
1. Project Green Challenge – Starts October 1
Project Green Challenge (PGC) educates, empowers, and mobilizes high school, college, and graduate students worldwide around climate action, public health, social justice and advocacy. The 13th annual global initiative starts October 1st — and students can sign up today!
This powerful and diverse call to action features 30 days of environmentally-themed challenges that change lives, shift mindsets, and equip students with knowledge, resources and mentorship to lead change on campuses and in communities. Through conscious living, informed consumption, and individual and collective climate action, PGC participants are challenged to envision and work toward the healthy, just, resilient planet and future in which they can thrive.
2. Public Policy Hackathon – November 4
Interested in public policy? Join Mac GPT: Generating the Policy of Tomorrow on Saturday, November 4, 2023, from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. This is a hackathon-style event, where you’ll work with teams of 4-5 to tackle real-world environmental policy issues through policy solutions. In addition to hands-on policy experience, this event includes a cash prize for top teams, free food, mentorship from faculty, and an opportunity to network informally with alumni working in environmental public policy in the Twin Cities. If interested in learning more, please fill out this the Interest Form.
3. Macalester Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs
Live It Fund (For students who are passionate about solving a problem by working globally)
The Live It Fund gives students an opportunity to live out their definition of global citizenship by proposing innovative solutions to problems and opportunities they identify. Students can work solo or in teams of up to three. With J-Term project awards up to $1,500, projects can be completed locally, nationally or internationally.
All applications are due on October 30, 2023, 2023, at 9:00 am.
To learn more, come to the Live It Fund in person info session that will be held in the Idea lab, Library 2nd floor on Tuesdays, October 3, 10, 17 from 11:30 am -1 pm.
Macathon (For students who want to challenge themselves to solve a problem within 24 hours)
Macathon is an overnight creativity and innovation competition. In teams of 3-6, students put their liberal arts education into action and invent a unique and original service or product (website, application, physical product, etc) that solves a real-world problem. No preparation work is allowed; everything for the competition must be produced within the 24-hour period.
Macathon will take place on November 10 and 11, 2023.
Applications open on October 11 at 9 am and close on October 18 at 9 am.
To learn more about this year’s competition, come to the in person info session that will be held in the Idea lab, Library 2nd floor on October 3 and 10 from 11:30 am -1 pm.
4. Ecosystem Field Studies
Ecosystem Field Studies is offering a winter break, 3 credit field course along the Caribbean coast of Mexico. Study, scuba dive, and snorkel while immersed in an incredible marine ecosystem December 28, 2023-January 17, 2024. Open to students from all universities and majors. Accredited by the University of Montana at Missoula, Environmental Studies Program.
Questions? Contact Professor Steven Johns, EcoFS Director at [email protected].
5. Jobs and Internships Listed on Handshake
Handshake at Macalester is our career services platform.
Students: Handshake is preloaded with your basic profile data. Simply log in with your Macalester user id and password.
Read Getting Started with Handshake Guide for Students
The more you use Handshake, the better it works for you. Personalize your experience by filling out career interests and profile. As you choose opportunities and events that interest you, Handshake will learn to present you with opportunities best suited to your needs.
Any questions regarding this newsletter or to be removed from the mailing list, contact Ann Esson at [email protected].