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Monthly Newsletter


A newsletter published by the
Macalester Environmental Studies Department

December 11, 2023

Any upcoming events, job opportunities, conferences, or other environmental news received by the ES Department are included in this newsletter. More information on the items listed in This Just In! can be received by contacting the ES Department. Current and archived issues.

In This Issue….

1.  Internship Opportunity at Cedar Creek Long Term Ecological Research Network
2.  Summer REU Program in Marine Science
3.  Tropical Ecology Internship in Puerto Rico
4.  LAKES Undergraduate Research Experience
5.  EPA Summer Internships
6.  Metropolitan Council Internships
7.  Univ. of MN Humphrey School’s Master of Science, Technology and Environmental Policy
8.  Jobs and Internships Listed on Handshake

1.  Internship Opportunity at Cedar Creek Long Term Ecological Research Network

The Cedar Creek Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) has several openings for students to work as plant community ecology interns.  Most positions run from June through August, but some interns are needed as early as March and some are needed through October.  As a research intern, you will contribute to ongoing field experiments, may have the opportunity to initiate individual research, attend scientific seminars, and interact with professors, post-docs, and graduate students. Pay is $15 per hour. On-site dormitory housing is available to rent.

The deadline for application submission is February 19, 2024.  For those interested in a spring position, please apply by February 12, 2024.  For any questions regarding the internship or application, please email [email protected] or call 612-301-2616.


2.  Summer REU Program in Marine Science

Applications are now being accepted for the Summer REU Program in Marine Science at the University of Delaware, an NSF-Funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.

The program will take place from June 3 to August 9, 2024, at the University of Delaware’s Hugh R. Sharp campus in the beach community of Lewes, located on the shores of the Delaware Bay and Atlantic Ocean.  Interns will work with faculty in a research-intensive setting on a research topic in chemical, physical, or biological oceanography, marine biology or marine geology. In addition to hands-on research experience, student support includes a $6,900 stipend, campus housing, and travel assistance. The deadline to apply is February 09, 2024.

More information and the application can be found on their website. You may also be interested to hear directly from former interns, or see one of their field trips on the R/V Daiber on the Delaware Bay.

3.  Tropical Ecology Internship in Puerto Rico

A summer undergraduate internship in Tropical Ecology and Evolution in Puerto Rico provides research experiences for undergraduate students in areas of ecology (streams, plant communities, soils) and evolution (plant-pollinator interactions).  In this program, you will study the tropical rainforest of Puerto Rico at various levels of organization, ranging from genes to ecosystems.  Field research is conducted at El Verde Field Station in the El Yungue National Forest.  Summer 2024 dates are May 27-August.  Apply by February 15, 2024.


4.  LAKES Undergraduate Research Experience

University of Wisconsin-Stout’s Linking Applied Knowledge in Environmental Sustainability Research Experience for Undergraduates (LAKES REU) is funded by the National Science Foundation and is currently recruiting their third cohort for this round of funding (ninth cohort since the program began). The program aims to better understand the root causes of phosphorus pollution and solutions to the problem, while providing students with an interdisciplinary research experience led by mentors in biology, psychology, anthropology, political science, economics, and engineering. In addition to research, students will have the opportunity to work closely with community and governmental partners, local citizens, and policy makers. Students will present their work at the end of the summer and will get to see their research directly impact the community around them.  This summer’s session will run from June 9 to August 10, 2024.

5.  EPA Summer Internships

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a number of paid summer internships available in 2024 for undergraduates.  You can find the jobs at USAJOBS.

6.  Metropolitan Council Internships

The Metropolitan Council has two paid internships:

Parks Ambassador Intern – As an intern for the Regional Parks and Natural Resources Department, you will have the opportunity to work directly with the Parks Ambassador Program focusing on equity and access to the outdoors. You will have the opportunity to work on three primary projects:

  • First, you will support the effort to integrate art and artists into the Regional Development Guide and Regional Parks Policy Plan process, by supporting engagement events, helping facilitate meetings, tracking responses, and translating the results into a creative publication.
  • Second, you will support the Parks Ambassador program’s day-to-day work with implementing agencies by helping plan outreach meetings, taking notes, building tools and resources including using social media to help make our regional parks and trails system accessible to all.
  • Third, you will support the overall Parks and Trails team with outreach and engagement for the Parks Policy Plan update.

Creative Engagement Intern –  As an intern for the Parks Department, you will have the opportunity to work with the Creative Engagement team on the unique project of bringing more artists into Regional Planning at the Council. The planning process for the 2050 Regional Development Guide is currently underway. In order to better serve the region and help humanize policy issues that may otherwise be complex and abstract, the Council is bringing in artists to help make policy more playful, fun, and accessible, engaging the community in a new and different way. This project will be at its peak during the summer of 2024, so this position will be coming on at an exciting time and you will help spearhead the final phase of this project. You will get to work with artists, partner organizations, community members, and staff from across the entirety of the Council, with the goal of infusing creativity and art into policy and planning as well as contributing to a national emerging field of civic art projects in a meaningful and engaging way.

Both positions are eligible for a hybrid (both remote and onsite) telework arrangement. Candidate’s residence must be in Minnesota or Wisconsin.


7.  Univ. of MN Humphrey School’s Master of Science, Technology and Environmental Policy

Applications are now open for Fall 2024 enrollment in the Humphrey School’s Master of Science in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy (STEP) program, with upcoming application deadlines on December 15, 2023, and January 15, 2024.

Students from all disciplinary backgrounds are welcome to apply. Competitive Graduate Research Assistantships in the Center for Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy are available for highly qualified applicants.

The MS-STEP program aims to build skills and expertise that equip students to address urgent challenges at the intersection of science, technology, environment, and society that shape human well-being, environmental sustainability, and social justice in a complex and diverse world. Students learn how to:

  • Develop and implement environmental and energy programs
  • Assess the sustainability or resilience of existing programs
  • Engage multiple partners in collaborative problem-solving
  • Design policy-relevant research
  • Build individualized expertise in policy domains that align with their interests.

Students interested in learning more are invited to join a Virtual STEP Info Session on December 14, 2023, at 12 noon or 5 pm Central (Info & RSVP), where they can hear from their faculty and staff, as well as some of their current students.

8.   Jobs and Internships Listed on Handshake

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Handshake at Macalester is our career services platform.

Students:  Handshake is preloaded with your basic profile data. Simply log in with your Macalester user id and password.

Read Getting Started with Handshake Guide for Students

The more you use Handshake, the better it works for you. Personalize your experience by filling out career interests and profile. As you choose opportunities and events that interest you, Handshake will learn to present you with opportunities best suited to your needs.

Any questions regarding this newsletter or to be removed from the mailing list, contact Ann Esson at [email protected].