Outside Scholarships
Financial Aid1600 Grand Avenue
Saint Paul, MN, 55105, USA
(Mailing Address)
651-696-6866 (fax)
Outside Scholarships are awarded by civic groups, religious institutions, high schools, and organizations other than Macalester. Please notify the Financial Aid Office of any outside scholarships you have been awarded and they will be included in your financial aid package, consistent with Macalester’s outside scholarship policy. If an outside scholarship is missing from your award letter or if an outside scholarship is listed in error, contact the Financial Aid Office.
Scholarship Search
Are you a left-handed finger painter from Minnehaha County? Is there a special scholarship for you? Use this free scholarship search service to find out.
Scholarship organizations who have provided information to our office are posted in our scholarship listings. The opportunities listed are scanned by our office for legitimacy, but it is not assured. Please use caution when applying for any outside scholarship.