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Become a French Major

Major Requirements

A major in French consists of a minimum of nine courses beyond FREN 204 to include: a) FREN 306; b) one other 300-level bridge course (FREN 305FREN 308FREN 309 or FREN 310; c) six advanced courses (300- and 400- level), including: one upper-level course on a period preceding the 20th century (depending on the topic this could be, for example, FREN 440FREN 445 or FREN 451); one course on a francophone region (depending on the topic this could be, for example, FREN 403FREN 404FREN 405 or FREN 406); one French or Francophone culture course (depending on the topic this could be, for example, FREN 320FREN 331FREN 402 or FREN 475); d) the senior capstone requirement; e) an appropriate study abroad experience as approved by the department.

Senior Assessment

During the senior year, majors will be required to demonstrate proficiency in language, literature and culture by successfully completing a series of evaluations as outlined in departmental materials. These evaluations form part of the senior capstone requirement.